Principal Designer
“Principal Designer” Service as part of the Health and Safety of your Project as required under the Construction Design and Management Regulations CDM 2015.
Under the Health and Safety Regulations of your Project a Client will be required to employ a “Principal Designer”. This is a specific and legally required role as detailed in the CDM 2015 Regulations. The role is intended to provide your project with a person or organisation to monitor and take control of the pre-construction phases of a project and to plan, manage, monitor and co-ordinate health and safety in the Pre-Construction Phase. It is a requirement for the Client to employ them. The duties of the old “CDM Coordinator” within the Regulations will now be the responsibility of the “Principal Designer”.
At FMH Project Limited we are additionally experienced, qualified and insured to carry out this important and necessary role for you either as a stand-alone service or as part of our combined Project Management role.